Monday, November 30, 2009

the choiceless attack

Waking up with the laundry undelivered and a swollen eye may not be categorized under a “good morning” but that could not prevent a great day from happening. The microwave just stopped working, though late last night it made a perfect mac and cheese heating – how can they happen all at once? Maybe because its Friday. Maybe because it has to happen.

Getting pissed off makes me think more than I usually do. It makes me patient – makes me experience sublimation. You experience a lot when there is nothing you can do about certain situations. Just like wanting to be asleep when you have a pile of tasks on the deadline. When you are left choiceless, you make the right decisions, or breathe a little for a while to clear the mind.

After all, a grit that lasts will ruin the teeth.

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